CrossFit Illuminati – CrossFit
A. General
3mins Row or Bike @increasing intensity on each min
EMOM 5 PVC btn press
B. Mobility
World’s greatest stretch
45 sec/ each side
C. Activation
3 sets
10 Banded Y pulls
3 Scap pull ups
3 Scap pushes
3 Band resisted or assisted push-ups
*Attach a band across the J cups of a rig and either do a push-up on top for assistance or underneath for resistance. Band can go across the chest or upper back.
Weightlifting (Weight)
E3MOM x 4
3 Bench press @ heavy
Rest 20 seconds
15 seconds max tall kneeling Med ball wall toss
Rest 20 seconds
8 Band assisted speed chin ups
TC: 12 minutes
Score: Weight on Bench Press
Scaling Options
3 Bench press @
Rest 20 seconds
15 seconds max med ball wall toss
Rest 20 seconds
6 Jumping pull ups
3 Bench press @ heavy
Rest 20 seconds
15 seconds max tall kneeling Med ball wall toss
Rest 20 seconds
5-8 Band assisted pull ups
Helen (Time)
3 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell Swings, 53# / 35#
12 Pull-ups
TC: 12 Minutes
Score: Time
Scaling Options
Run 200m
18 RKBS @ 16/12
9 Ring Rows
Intermediate L1
Run 400m
21 KBS @ 16/12kg
12 Jumping Pull ups
Intermediate L2
Run 400m
21 KBS @ 16/12kg
6 Pull ups
Extra Accessory
Anaerobic Threshold (6 Rounds for calories)
Assault or echo bike
EMOM 6 minutes
12 Seconds Max cal