CrossFit Illuminati – CrossFit
WARM UP (No Measure)
A. GENERAL (5:00)
Amrap 5 minutes
10 Air Squats
10 Plank to Alternating Ankle taps
10 Medicine ball overhead sit ups (straight legs)
PVC or Band Shoulder dislocates (pass through)
10 Rotations standing
10 rotations in bottom of squat
C1. SPECIFIC (7:00)
Snatch Drills: Focus on Pull under (shrug)
2-3 x 5 High pull from power position
2-3 x 5 Tall Power Snatch
5-7 Tempo Power Snatch
Ram up to 75%
C2. SPECIFIC (3:00)
Wall Balls
10 Medicine ball squats
10 Medicine ball push press
10 Wall balls
2 x 5 Pike HSPU / Banded pike HSPU
5 Strict HSPU / 5 HSPU modification
Power Snatch
2 x EMOM 5:
2 Snatches @ 75%
-Rest 1:00 between EMOMs-
Score: Weight
TC: 11 minutes
Scaling Options
Technical load
As written
METCON (5 Rounds for time)
E3MOM x 5
25 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs
10 Handstand push ups
RX+ 30/20lbs
Score: Each set for time
TC: 15 minutes
KG: 9/6
Scaling Options
18 Wall Balls @ 12/8 lbs
10 DB shoulder press @ 25/15 lbs x 2
Intermediate L1
25 Wallballs @ 16/12 lbs
10 Pike Handstand push ups, feet on box)
Intermediate L2
18 Wall Balls @ 20/14 lbs
8 Handstand push ups
3 sets
10/10 Bent over band pull downs, heavy band
10 Band face pulls
Goal: Upper body antagonist accessory