CrossFit Illuminati – CrossFit
A. General
3 rounds
30-50 single unders (sprinkle in DU)
3 Inchworm push ups
3 Ring rows/ Body rows
B. Activation
10-20 seconds Hollow body hold with band
3-6 Leg raises to band
C. Specific Metcon Prep
-7 hang muscle cleans
-7 Rack deliveries
-7 Hi hang power cleans
-7 hang power cleans
1.5 bench press (5×10)
1 rep starts at top of lock out position, down to chest, halfway up then back down to chest, then back to lock out position
Extra Accessory
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 8 minutes
8 Hang Power Clean 115/75 lbs
8 Front rack lunge steps 115/75 lbs
50 Double-unders
Score: Rounds & Reps
KG: 50/35
Scaling options
8 Hang power clean @ 45/35lbs
8 Front rack lunge steps/body weight
30-50 single-unders
8 Hang Power Clean @ 95/65 lbs
8 front rack lunge steps @ 95/65 lbs
30-50 Double-unders
8 Hang Power Clean @115/75
50 Double-unders
Upper Body (Weight)
Pendlay rows
3 x 10reps
Rest 60 seconds
– Explode up
– Control the eccentric phase