CrossFit Illuminati – CrossFit
WARM UP (No Measure)
A. GENERAL (6:00)
3 rounds
1:00 Machine / 200m Jog
1:00 Amrap of:
– 15 sec Chair hold
– 10 Alternating forward lunges
2 sets
25′ Duck Walk
25′ Spiderman Lunges
C1. SPECIFIC (5:00)
3 Front Squats, pausing 5 seconds in quarter position
3 Slam balls (or Substitution)
3 Front Squats @ 40%
3 Slam balls (or Substitution)
Proceed to working sets
C2. SPECIFIC (6:00)
Go over odd object movement for workout
– Sandbag / D Ball Clean
– Double KB clean
– DB Cleans
– Axle bar clean
– Medicine ball Hip Toss
Front Squat
4 Sets
20 secs Max Front Squats @ 40%
5 Ball Slams @ as hard as possible
-Rest 1:00 b/w-
Score: Checkmark
TC: 8 minutes
Scaling Options
20 sec Front Squats @ light
5 Ball Slams
As written
METCON (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Amrap 10
Row / Bike / Ski for calories
– Every 2 minutes stop & perform
3 D-ball / Sandbag Cleans / Sumo deadlift high pulls
@ 150/100 lbs
Score: Calories
TC: 10 minutes
KG: 70/50
Scaling Options
3 D-ball or Sandbag clean @ 30-60 lbs
Cleans / Sumo deadlift high pull @ 100/70lbs
ACCESSORY / EXTRA (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Amrap 6
30 Hollow rocks
10 Plank Bird Dogs
Goal: Isometric core work & stability