CrossFit Illuminati – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
A. General
30 sec Row or Bike @moderate
10 rotating scorpions
10 rotating full squat T spine rotations
30 sec Row or Bike @moderate
10 Alternating high box step ups
5/5 deep squat single arm DB press
B. Mobility
World greatest stretch
2 sets of 10-15 rep/side
C. Specific
2 sets
100m Row @hard
5/5 Front rack bulgarian split squats
5/5 Spiderman stretch
5/5 DB snatch
5 Double DB sumo deadlifts + high pull
A: Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time
400 m run
6 Devils press 2×50/35lbs
15 Abmat sit-ups
Score: Time
TC: 25mins
Scaling options
5 rounds
200 m run
6 Devils press @2xmoderate
10 Abmat sit-ups
5 rounds
300 m run
6 Devils press @2×35/25lbs
15 Abmat sit-ups
Extra Accessory
Metcon (No Measure)
EMOM 6minutes
Odd: 20 sec weighted dip hold at top
Even: 10-15 sec dip hold at bottom
(Ideally performed in rings)
Elbows fully locked at the top.
Rings close to the body when you’re holding at the bottom.