CrossFit Illuminati – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
A. General
5 min Bike, row, or run
*every min complete 3-5 burpees
B. Mobility
90 second puppy dog position
C. Specific
2 sets
5 scap pulls
5 beat swings
3-5 Single leg jumping CTB box drill*
*We can use this to work on the Butterfly or the kip and athletes can use both legs if needed. The idea is to use the box as a point of support and reference.
A: Metcon (Time)
2 sets
5 rounds
6 Air Squats
Rest 2 minutes between sets
No rest between rounds
Score: Total time
TC: 12mins
Scaling options
6 Ring rows
4-6 Air Squats
4-6 Assisted CTB or Pull-ups
4-6 Air Squats
As written
B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
AMRAP 15minutes
20 Double unders
10 Wall Ball 20/14lbs
10 TTB
Score: Rounds + reps
Scaling options
Amrap 15
20 Single unders*
10 Wall Ball @light
10 V-ups or Sit-ups
*Attempt a double under every 5-10 reps
Amrap 15
10 Double unders
5-10 Wall Ball @20/14
10 Toes to eye level
As written
Extra Accessory
Metcon (No Measure)
Behind the back wrist curls
3 x 60 seconds max reps
Rest 60 seconds between sets
Empty barbell or light. You should be able to complete the minutes breaking 1 or 2 times maximum.