CrossFit Illuminati – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
A. General
3 sets
30 seconds Row @Low intensity
5 Muscle snatch (no hook grip, no contact)
5 Banded OHS
B. Specific: Positions
5 Snatch first pull
5 Tempo power Snatch
5 Tempo Squat Snatch
C. Drills: Bar Path
3 sets @Ascending
Snatch High pull + Low hang snatch
2 + 1
A: Snatch
E2MOM x 6
Set 1-2-3 → 1 rep @ 82%
Set 4 → 1 rep @ 85%
Set 5-6 → 1 rep @ 80%
Score: Heaviest set
TC: 20mins
Scaling options
6 x 1-1-1 @ technical
Intermediate & COMP
As written
B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
2 rounds of
AMRAP 4minutes
7 Thrusters
11 TTB
Rest 2 mins between rounds
Round 1 @115/75lbs
Round 2 @95/65lbs
Round 1 @50/40
Round 2 @40/30
Score: Time
TC: 10mins
Scaling options
5 Thrusters @ 45/35 lbs
9 Knees to Chest
* Same load for both sets
7 Thrusters
11 Toes to eye level
Round 1 @105/65
Round 2 @85/45
As written
Extra Accessory
Metcon (No Measure)
3 sets
20 Alternating Trap-3 raise
3/3 Turkish Get-ups @mod-heavy
Goal: Shoulder stability