CrossFit Illuminati – CrossFit
A. General
AMRAP 4 minutes
6 Forward Samson stretch lunges
20 Single unders/DU
6 Plate ground to overhead
B. Mobility
Ankle mobility with KB on knees
45-60 sec/side
C. Specific
2 sets
5 KB Tempo goblet squat
Hold 10 second in the ¼ position in the last tempo squat (on the way up)
2 1 & ¼ squats with KB
Front Squat (E2MOM x 6
3 Front squat 1 & 1/4 @ 70-75%)
TC: 12 minutes
Score: Weight
Scaling Options
3 Front Squats @ Moderate to heavy 3.1.X.1
As written
Metcon (Time)
5 rounds for time
16 Pistols
20 KBS 24/16kg
75 Double-unders
TC: 12 minutes
Score: Time
Scaling Options
10 Forward lunges
15 KBS @ light
65 Single-unders
Intermediate L1
16 Assisted pistols
20 KBS @ 16/12kg
50 Double-unders
Intermediate L2
10 Pistols
20 KBS @ 16/12kg
50 Double-unders
Extra Accessory
Post Chain (Checkmark)
Reverse hypers
3 x 15 @50% of 1RM back Squat
Rest 60-90 seconds between sets
If you do not have access to a Reverse Hyper it can be done on a GHD with bands