CrossFit Illuminati – CrossFit
A. General
Amrap 5 minutes
20 second machine
5 med ball squat cleans
5 Medball front squats
5 plank into downward dog
B. Mobility/Activation
Calf pedals
2 x 30 seconds
2x 6 Hip Hikes
C. Specific Prep
2 sets
30 seconds banded march
30 seconds mountain climbers
Metcon (Calories)
5 rounds
15 UB Wall balls
1 min Max Cal Machine
2 mins recovery air squats
TC: 20 min
Score: Cals on machine
Scaling Options
All options as written
Accessory (Checkmark)
5 sets
4/4 Iso Dynamic bent over DB row
6/6 Iso dynamic DB pullover
8/8 RDL with DBs
Extra Accessory
Core (Checkmark)
Accumulate 100 V-ups
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