CrossFit Illuminati – CrossFit
A. General (5 Min)
30 Single Unders
10 Hollow Ups
30 Single Unders
10/10 Single Arm ½ Kneeling Banded Press
30 Single Unders
5/5 Spiderman Lunge + Reach
B. Mobility/Activation (2 Min)
PVC Front Rack Stretch
Perform 5-10 second holds per side, switching sides for a total of 10 total stretches and swaps.
PVC Dislocates
Accumulate 10 reps.
C1. Specific Strength (5 Min)
@ light DB
8-10 per side, Single Arm DB Strict Press, focus on lower and core tension before each rep.
C2. Specific Metcon (10 Min)
@ empty barbell
5 Back Rack Elbow Rotations
10 Push Press, focus on vertical dip & drive
2×3-5 Push Press, building to workout weight
20-30 Double Unders -or- workout mod
8-10 V-Ups -or- workout mod
4 Push Press @ workout weight
Weightlifting (Weight)
Single Arm DB Strict Press
4RM per Arm
TC: 10 Minutes
Score: Total Weight
Scaling Options
5×4 per Arm @ technical
As Written
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds for time
60 DU
20 V-Ups
8 Push Press 155/105 lbs
RX+ 185/125lbs
TC: 15 Minutes
Score: Time
Scaling Options
5 Rounds
50 Single Unders -or- Penguin Taps
12 Lying Toes to Rig
5 Push Press @ technical
5 Rounds
60 Single Unders -or- 30-50 DU
15 V-Ups
8 Push Press @ 95/65 lbs
Extra Accessory
Lower Accessory (Checkmark)
Hip and Balance Accessory:
Banded Lateral Kick
3×15/15 reps