Don’t Forget! This Friday 12/1 @ 7:30 PM Friendsgiving potluck at the gym. Bring a dish and some drinks, and let’s celebrate!
CrossFit Illuminati – CrossFit
Warm up (No Measure)
A. General
EMOM 4-6
odd- Machine 45 seconds
even- 2 Inchworm push ups + 5 burpees
B. Specific
2 sets
10 Bent over snatch grip band lat pull in*:
10 Band Ys:
* In this video the athlete has a standard sized grip. You can perform these this way or use a much lighter band and go for snatch grip
Drills (No Measure)
Snatch Drills
5-7 Lift offs
5-7 Lift off to above the knees (first pull)
5-7 Segmented Snatch deadlift
5-7 Tempo Snatches
5-7 Snatches
TC: 12 minutes
Metcon (10 Rounds for weight)
10 sets
1 Snatch
10 Bar facing burpees
12/10 Cal Machine
Rest 1 minute between rounds
Increase load on snatch every round, starting at 60%
TC: 30 minutes
Score: Weight on Bar
Scaling Options
1 Snatch @ Moderate to light, across
6 Burpee step over bar
10/8 Cal Machine
As written
Accessory / Extra (Checkmark)
Post Chain Accessory
Wide stance good mornings
5 x 7 @heavy
Wide stance good morning: I0