CrossFit Illuminati – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
A. General
2 sets
30 sec max Plank up downs
30 sec kipping swings*
* Advanced athletes can swing on rings on second set
B. Drills
– Low Rings: (scaled athletes)
2 sets
5 PVC Shoulder dislocates
5 False grip pause ring rows
10-15 sec Ring support hold
3 Ring dip Negatives + pause in mu reception
5-7 Banded sling shot mu
– High Rings: (RX athletes)
6-8 Ring beat swings
6-8 Hips to Rings
3-8 Ring Dips
C. Ramp up (5 minutes)
Ramp up HSPU Deficit or modification with 1 Ring mu or modification between each set
A: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
5 sets
6-8 Kipping deficit HSPU
3-6 Ring muscle ups
Rest 60 seconds between sets
Score: Total Reps
TC: 10mins
Scaling options:
6 DB push press @ heavy for the athlete or Banded Pike push ups:
6 Strict assisted chin ups
Assisted HSPU (reduce rom)
band assisted ring muscle up transition (technique)
5 rnds, rest 30 seconds between rounds
6 Double DB Thrusters @ 2×70/50lbs
3 Ring muscle ups
B: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
4 rounds of
AMRAP 3minutes
6 DB Hang clean 2×50/35lbs
4 Deadlifts 185/135 lbs
4 Wall walks
Rest 1min between AMRAPs
Kg: 22.5/15 + 80/60
Score: Rounds + reps, continuous
TC: 15 mins
Scaling options
6 DB hang clean @2xlight
4 Deadlifts @ light
4 Inch worms (with or without push ups)
6 DB hang clean @2×35/25
4 Deadlifts @ 155/105 lbs
2 Inch worms
4 x 3 minutes amrap @mod-high intensity
6 Clean and jerks @ 135/95
4 Deadlifts @ 315/225
50′ HS walk
Rest 1min between amraps
Extra Accessory
Metcon (No Measure)
3 sets
15 Floor facing W*
10 alternated Bottom up KB Bench press
*Hold 5 seconds every 5 rep
Goal: Shoulder health