Don’t Forget! This Friday 12/1 @ 7:30 PM Friendsgiving potluck at the gym. Bring a dish and some drinks, and let’s celebrate!
CrossFit Illuminati – CrossFit
Warm up (No Measure)
A. General
2 rounds
200m jog or machine
6 Beat swings on bar or rings
4-6 Inchworm + push up
25′ bear crawl
B. Specific Squat
1-2 sets
6/6 Forward drop lunges*
3 Pause Back squat
* athletes standing on a plate or on the ground
Drop lunge:
C. Specific Metcon
3 sets, increase load to working weight & working movement
4 Deadlifts
4 Ring rows, supinated grip -> 2 Banded strict chin ups
4 Deadlifts
4 Feet assisted ring muscle up on low rings -> Jumping RMU
4 Deadlifts
4 Feet assisted ring muscle up on low rings -> RMU
Back Squat (Back squat
5 x 2 @ 85%
TC: 12 Minutes
Score: Weight
Scaling Options
5 x 2 @ Pause in bottom, 2 seconds
As written
Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
3 rounds for time
12 Deadlifts 225/155
6/4 RMU
200m run
Run sub:
– 20/15 Cal row
– 16/13 Cal bike
– 14/12 Cal ski
TC: 10 minutes
Score: Time
KG: 100/70
Scaling Options
12 Deadlifts @ Moderate
4 Strict band assisted chin ups
100m Jog
12 Deadlifts @ 185/125
4 BMU/Jumping RMU
200m Run
Accessory / Extra (Checkmark)
2 sets
30 hollow body band lat pulldown
30 Tall kneeling light band tricep push down